A few fun things have happened recently…
First, last week I entered the lottery for the 2013 New York City Marathon. The race is in November. I wasn’t going to enter this year because I already have two marathons planned this Fall, but I said what the heck! If I happen to get in, I’ll be doing three marathons back-to-back, but it’s hard to get into NY so I’m okay with that and I will run it for fun, not for time. This will be my second time attempting to get into this race. I will find out on May 29th if I got in. Wish me luck!
Second, with the Spirit of the Marathon II movie coming to theaters in June, the producers posted on their Facebook page that they were looking for some help with promoting it in the different cities it’s showing. The perk to helping out is two complimentary passes to see the movie on June 12! So, I totally got on this and emailed with my information. They responded a couple days later with more specifics and what they needed in this grassroots effort. Not only that, they gave information on a tiered incentive based on how many locations or leads you can give them which included movie tickets, t-shirts, autographed DVD of the movie, and a free entry into a Rock ‘n Roll race. Pretty sweet! I hope I get some fabulous prizes!
Here’s the trailer to the movie: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lYDiAnNlHPQ
Third, I entered the lottery for the 2014 London Marathon last night (on London time, of course). Yes, they open it almost a year out and you don’t find out if you actually get in until October. I entered the lottery last year and basically put it out of my mind for almost six months. This is a sought after marathon like NY and I found out this morning the lottery closed in about 8 hours. So, cross your fingers on this one too. It’s unlikely I will get in, but I guess you never know.
Forth (you like how I’ve numbered my paragraphs?), I have bought a few t-shirts in the last week in support of the Boston Marathon bombings, with most, if not all, proceeds going to onefundboston.org. I picked up these cool “Unstoppable” shirts from the local Fleet Feet down the street in Midtown (pic on the left). I wore the navy tech shirt out for a run on Saturday morning. I love it! The other shirt (on the far right) is in the mail and should be here any day. It says “Boston We Are Strong” and I found it on www.goneforarun.com. The picture in the middle is the amazing cover of the May issue of Boston Magazine. It’s pretty cool! #runforboston #bostonstrong
Here’s the story of the making of this cover: http://www.bostonmagazine.com/news/blog/2013/04/25/behind-our-may-boston-marathon-cover/
And lastly, I moved into a new house this weekend. I’m excited because it’s a house (a rental) with a great big yard for my dogs. They love it! And I won’t have to share walls with my neighbors. This will be an amazing thing for me…to not have to hear my neighbors play video games, listen to loud music, and other unmentionables. It will also be a new neighborhood to find new running routes and walking routes with my dogs. Home Sweet Home!
Congratulations to my friends and virtual running buddies who ran races this weekend!! That’s you – Brian, Jenny, Casey and Taylor!