Happy 1 Year Blog Anniversary!

Today’s the one year anniversary of my blog! I actually can’t believe how fast this last year has flown.

happy-birthday-blog-1There will be a lot more to come in this second year. I’m looking forward to other running adventures all over the world! Thanks for reading my blog and hanging out with me along the way! Without you all, I wouldn’t have a reason to do any of this or to be inspired daily.

What do you think?

So I’ve been writing this blog for almost a year now. I write my blog posts with excitement and from the heart. I don’t write them expecting comments or to inspire people. I don’t write them to brag or boast. They are more explanational (is this a word?) than anything. And I have found them to be a great journal of my adventures. But somehow they do inspire. And they do motivate people. And people enjoy them, I think.

But after all this time, I wonder if I should be doing something different. I notice other “running blogs” talk about what their daily routines are or what their daily exercises are or what apparel or shoes they buy or wear. I just blog about my races or what is on my mind in between, but I try to stay true to what my blog is – running to see the world.

So, I ask you, my readers, what do you like about my posts? What don’t you like? What can I improve? What do you want to read more about? Any suggestions?

That’s my post for today!


Hello world!

Welcome to my blog! With the inspiration and pestering of my friend Jenny Cox (and a few others who encouraged it as well…yes, that’s you Clint!), I finally started a blog. I should have started this long ago so I could look back and read about all my race experiences. It’s amazing what details you forget if you don’t write it down right away after a race.world

Here you will find out about my running life, marathons, my travels, AND my marathon travels all over the world. You may find some other weird and random tidbits as well about my dogs or an inspiring quote or maybe even what’s on my playlist at the moment.

I hope to help people or maybe even inspire.

If there’s something you want to hear about, let me know. If there’s something you don’t want to hear about, let me know that too. Enjoy!