Watch out Berlin!

This week is my first week of training for the Berlin Marathon. 18 weeks of gearing up for another World Marathon Major race. It’s exciting!

I’ve already been training a little since my last race in March (after a three week recovery). I’ve added more strength and endurance training into the mix in hopes of becoming a little faster. I feel really good. I’ve tried to run faster sprints and tempo runs. I think I’m just trying to push myself harder than I have been. I’ve been in a comfortable zone for a while, but I think I’m ready to work harder.

263-1I mostly train by myself so I have to constantly stay motivated. I’m pretty good about it, but I may have a day here or there when I get in a funk or just can’t get out the door. It happens to us all.

Within this 18 weeks, I am also running the Giants Half Marathon in San Francisco in August. I figured it would be good timing to have a 13.1 mile race in the middle of my training and to test myself.

I have a goal in mind for the Berlin Marathon – PR or qualify for the Boston Marathon. I’m going to refrain from putting a lot of pressure on myself, but just work harder on my training beforehand and make sure my body feels good.

I’m looking forward to the next 18 weeks. I even have a cool German flag flying on my front porch. I literally almost rode over it on my bike over the weekend, so I picked it up and posted it out front. Maybe it’s a sign of something good to come. Scratch that! I just walked outside to take a picture, and someone stole it! Grrr! Oh well. I’ll keep you posted over the next few months on how training is going. I hope you all have some great races or adventures to look forward to!